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Oral Health Education for Elderly Through ICT Technology

N. Samar Brencic, L.A. Stanca Muntianu, K. Piotrowicz, I. Mocanu, D. Rudel, I.G. Lupu, ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION FOR ELDERLY THROUGH ICT TECHNOLOGY, in Proc. EduLearn 2021, Mallorca, Spain 2021.

Jul 5, 2021

Project dissemination at one of the most important international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists, and professionals from the educational sector. (Over 800 delegates from 80 different countries)

Leading oral-care manufacturers envision a world where daily oral health routines can be used to educate consumers to take care of their health comprehensively. State-of-the-art research and ongoing European projects are striving towards extracting health knowledge from daily oral routine and using this knowledge for optimizing care and leading a longer and healthier life. In this context, the “Patient centric solution for smart and sustainable healthcare” (ACESO) project aims to exploit modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in order to build an integrated health and oral-care platform in which intelligent devices use data analytics to learn about users’ oral and general health and wellbeing. Our approach will enhance oral health education and spur patients' ability to play a more active role in managing their health. Thus, we will help supporting the current trend in sustainable care, which aims at shifting care delivery from a patient-centered to a patient-centric approach.

ACESO’s ambitious goals are pursued by a multinational consortium involving academic and industrial partners from Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Slovenia, and Hungary. Several differences are known to exist among the targeted users in these countries. Consequently, cross-national cooperation within ACESO will be able to take into account differences in national backgrounds during the development of the platform and in training and educating the users.

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